Jack was a filmmaker, a distinguished lobbyist, an owner of Indian casinos and co-owner of a high-end restaurant in Washington, D.C. It sounds almost too good to be true, and naturally, it was. Jack seemingly had a lot going for him.

However, it wasn’t easy for him to accomplish all that he did. It took a lot of stealing, cheating and manipulating. Jack did these things very effectively. Well, until the day he got caught, that is.

Casino Jack and the United States of Money is a documentary based on the downfall of lobbyist and businessman Jack Abramoff. The film exposes how Abramoff, along with an elite group of other scheming yet charming political figures, took complete advantage of their power and money. The men enjoyed a long journey of good times livin’ it up on free skybox seats to major sporting events and expensive weeklong golf getaways to Scotland before they ever had to even consider reaping what they sowed.

Ahh, the scandal. “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.” President Reagan’s words still reign true after all these years. There are still political figures who are just as corrupt as ever.

Casino Jack proves that case very convincingly. It entertains while proving its point clearly and brilliantly.

The film gives an insider account on the happenings involved with the “king of corruption” himself, Jack Abramoff. You witness the alarming testimonials of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, former Congressman Bob Ney, Ney’s former chief of staff, Neil Volz and Abramoff associate Adam Kidan.

Director Alex Gibney has made other riveting nonfiction films, including Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room and the Academy Award-winning Taxi to the Dark Side. If you’re a fan of politics or scandal, Casino Jack and the United States of Money is worth the gamble.

Grade: B

Casino Jack releases in select theaters May 7.