Last night I checked out the Public Theater’s new production of “Hair.” From the moment my guest and I walked into the theater to take our seats, the energy was electrifying. The audience was anxious for the performances to begin. As soon as the curtain dropped, madness ensued.

The show is about a tribe of close friends who sing about love, peace and freedom, protest war and rebel against authority. There is a whole lot of hippie loving, pot smoking, touchy-feely going on, and by the intermission everyone on stage had taken off his or her clothes. Yes, they all have brilliant voices, but their bodies are just as impressive.

The music composed by Galt MacDermot is fantastically catchy. I can’t seem to get the songs “Aquarius” and “Hare Krishna” out of my head.

The performers, led by Berger (Steel Burkhardt), had unbelievable amounts of energy, running up and down the aisles, jumping on random seats in the audience and grabbing innocent theatergoers from their seats to give them hugs.

Although the plot was a bit confusing to follow, it was so fun! The highlight of the night was Josh Lamon as Margaret Mead. Let’s just say the man (in drag) had brilliant comedic timing.

The lighting design by Kevin Adams and the scenic design by Scott Pask were colorful and vibrant, complementary to the chaos happening on stage. I really loved the fun costumes designed by Michael McDonald, full of bell bottoms, tiny shorts, flowy dresses and tiny tops, and the long hairstyles and afros.

Fans of this musical will be quite pleased with this production. You are guaranteed a crazy time with fantastic music.

The Pantages Theatre is located at 6233 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles. For more information, visit