Portland, Ore.’s garage rockers W.H. Walker (formerly Welcome Home Walker, a name inspired by a Sam Cooke tune) have put together a retro-referenced singles collection, the seven-track EP, Suds!, rowdy, pumped-up garage-soul, punk-parlayed pop and British-styled soul/blues. The title track is an infectious singalong ode to bathing rather than beer (Find the frothy video online.).

The four-piece does a cranked up translation of Ted Hawkins’ bluesy “Watch Your Step” that sounds akin to the Reigning Sound covering the Seeds. The band’s first single, “Don’t Let Me Go,” is a hand-clapping plea for companionship. The best pick is soul struttin’ “The Untold Death of Grady Jones,” a sable tale of unforeseen violence.

W.H. Walker puts influences out front, a revivalist approach shared by the Fleshtones, the Mystery Girls and like-minded garage-soul purveyors. The appropriate DIY, low-cost production adds to the particular aesthetic.

Grade: B

Suds! is currently available.