After releasing a live album and a four-song EP, the Civil Wars have finally released their much-anticipated debut. Barton Hallow features 12 soothing tracks filled with tranquility and poise. Every song travels seamlessly into the next as it captures the attention of each listener with its gentle acoustic guitars and strong piano chords.

Singers Joy Williams and John Paul White create a perfect duo throughout the album. Williams’ tender voice quickly becomes addicting as the songs begin. Her soft vocals express deep emotion and sensibility, which are easily portrayed in every song. White provides a stellar blend with his deep voice that creates an excellent fusion with Williams’. His voice maintains a serene harmony that exposes a fragile man engaged with emotion. Together they create a magnificent album that wanders effortlessly inside each listener’s mind. Barton Hallow proves that simplicity and ease can easily be the key factors to a successful album.

“Poison & Wine” exposes a very fragile and tender view of the group. With docile guitars strumming along hollow piano keys, the Civil Wars excel as they sing directly to one another and deliver a warmhearted performance. The song “Barton Hallow” transcends to an upbeat catchy track that sends its listeners to the southern part of the country with acoustic guitars and tambourines. “Falling” displays a brittle and vulnerable position as Williams lowers her defenses in a wonderful performance. Each track differs greatly from the previous one as they expand their musical style from acoustic rock to indie folk and slight elements of country with rhythm and blues.

This album illustrates their immense potential for success. The chemistry Williams and White share is unforgettable. Their talents shine bright from beginning to end. It’s easy to get lost in each song as the lyrics demand attention and the music swirls with emotion.

Grade: B

Barto Hallow is currently available.