Los Angeles is filled with actors who move out from various places all over the world to get their big break in Hollywood with the hope that they will be one of the few lucky ones to make it. There are a few lucky people who make it because they were at the right place at the right time. But what happens when that luck gets you on set and you don’t have the talent to back it up? Brea Grant was one of the few lucky ones to be at the right place at the right time in the beginning of her career. But luck has not factored into her longevity as an actress. Talent and hard work definitely have more to do with Grant’s success than luck.

How did you get into acting?

Brea Grant: I acted as a kid in community theater in Texas. I went to college for history, was getting my degree and decided it wasn’t the career for me. I was taking acting classes on the side for fun. I moved to L.A. and wrote my graduate thesis while I lived in L.A. University of Texas was really awesome to let me do this. It was a whim, but a good choice. It’s important to follow your heart. Not that I want to encourage people to drop out, but it’s important to follow your gut instinct.

What are some projects you've done in the past that you see as huge stepping-stones?

“Heroes” is an obvious one and “Friday Night Lights.” “Friday Night Lights” was great because it has a huge fan following with people in L.A. and the industry. I did three episodes of that show, and it led to other projects. When they were writing the role of Daphne on “Heroes,” they wanted to cast me based on the work I did in “Friday Night Lights.” I got a call from my agent about this, and I was blown away. I had still been waitressing when I did “Friday Nights Lights.” Another stepping-stone was this indie horror movie, Midnight Movie. Every role ends up changing you in some way.

What are you working on now?

I just finished a recurring role on “Dexter.” I’m always writing, and I just wrote a screenplay that I will star in and shoot in Texas. I’m also doing a motion comic book (cartoon) based on Hack/Slash.

Is there a special moment during your career that you can share?

(Laughing). I get a lot of advice. Adrian Pasdar who played Nathan Petrelli, the politician on “Heroes,” told me, “Remember that nothing changes you. You can get the biggest part in the world. But make sure that you are happy.” I remember I had just finished “Heroes.” I was trying to pay my bills. No matter what I’m doing at the moment if I’m not happy with me then I’ll never be happy by being on the best show. It doesn’t change your life. You still live in the same apartment and have the same friends (hopefully).

Do you have advice for anyone who wants to become an actor?

The biggest advice is to go for it. Treat it like a job. People in the beginning treat it as a hobby. Once you make the decision to move to N.Y. or L.A. to be an actor, spend time and put money into your craft. Get headshots and take acting classes. Acting classes are the best things an actor can do. Take it seriously.

Where can fans go to check out your work?

breagrant.com where I have blog, and follow me on twitter.com/breagrant. I’m not on Facebook, there are photos but it’s not me. People are pretending to be me.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Wow. (Laughing). Ten years from now I’ll be 40. It’s kind of freaking me out. I would like to be doing what I’m doing now – still writing, producing projects, acting and have my own TV show. I would love to be Marisa Tomei. She’s someone who does awesome movies and is smoking hot. I would also love to have a house in L.A. and somewhere else.

“Dexter” airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on Showtime.