Tailgating is one of the best parts of college football and has become a tradition all over the U.S. UCLA and USC host some of the nation’s best tailgates and have become renowned for the wild spectacles. We know how to do it right, and there are certain things you must have in order to have a successful tailgate.

Key for keeping the party going and drawing people to your area. Whether it’s celebrating America with some Toby Keith or dancing on tables to Avicii, no tailgate is complete without speakers and loud music.

A large portable tent to mark your tailgating area. No one wants to see a plain tent so at very least spare the extra buck and get one that reps your school. Fraternities and sororities have their own tents as well, which is the norm at any school with a large Greek system such as USC.

For larger or special tailgates, food is a must. Especially if alumni are involved, either grill yourselves or have the tailgate catered. The drinks are always flowing, but don’t forget that people aren’t always just thirsty.

You’re going to have a lot of people in your area so both of these are key. Tables are really important and people sometimes forget this. Drinking games are a staple, and what else are people going to play these on?

For those dedicated tailgaters who aren’t going to the game a TV is a must. Typically featured at alumni tailgates, these set ups can get ridiculously fancy at times.

Don’t let your tailgate be the first one to run out. Stock up. Beer first, liquor second.

How else are you going to play music or watch the game on a TV?


Remember to get tons of cups, obviously of the red solo variety. Ping-pong balls are dirt-cheap so don’t skimp and buy only one pack. People love beer pong. Also, especially since we’re in Los Angeles and it’s constantly hot outside, buy ice. No one likes warm beer.