In the ever growing desire for the freshest scene in Los Angeles, Shahram Delijani and family (frequent L.A. theater supporters) are pursuing the zoning permits and necessary liquor licenses to open several nightclubs and bars near four historic downtown L.A. Broadway theaters: the Palace, Los Angeles, State and Tower theaters. The ambitious dream is this: make the four individualistic, barley used venues into one large, united street of Broadway art.

To succeed, the family plans to draw in crowds by opening several new restaurants and clubs inside the lower levels of the venues. Hopefully, this will appeal to the crowds who are constantly searching for the next cool dining experience. Not only will this dream street allow for a new nightlife scene, it will also make theater experiences much more readily accessible and overflowing in opportunity for the average consumer.

Foodies and art lovers cannot rejoice just yet, though; this project doesn't have a firm conception date nor a detailed budget plan besides high financially backing from the Delijani family.

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