Are you missing your favorite shows while they are on summer hiatus? Use these summer hits to fill the hole in your heart until your favorites come back. Maybe one of these shows will become more than just a summer fling for you and will find a long-term place in your heart (and DVR recordings).

If you MISS “Scandal”…WATCH “Ray Donovan”
If you’re very attracted to the idea of a strong lead character that can make any problem just go away, “Ray Donovan” is what you need. The show has elements of “Scandal” to hold you over until a new season begins. With only a couple episodes aired so far this summer, “Ray Donovan” will be easy to catch up on and become addicted to. Try not to miss Kerry Washington (and her sexy lover, Mr. President) too much while you reluctantly fall under Liev Schreiber's acting spell.

If you MISS “Criminal Minds”… WATCH “Dexter”
Although an immensely popular show in itself, “Dexter” provides the ease of not having to follow the story too closely. If you haven’t seen the recent seasons, no problem! This quirky tale of a lovable serial killer with a moral conscious is infused with ample psychology and crime action as the audience gets to listen in on Dexter’s innermost thoughts. This summer, catch a few episodes of “Dexter” to settle your craving for the thrilling and twisted plot lines of “Criminal Minds.”

If you MISS any reality show… WATCH “Catfish”
A reality show that proves reality TV can be refined, “Catfish” is MTV’s crown jewel. This summer hit amazed and stunned viewers of all ages last summer and has officially returned for more. Even lovers of cheesy, reality guilty pleasures will be hooked to the shocking betrayals and lies "Catfish" brings to the surface, but with the perfect amount of heart displayed by hosts Nev and Max. This show will be enough reality to fill your entire summer desire and simultaneously make you terrified to sign onto Facebook ever again.

If you MISS “Survivor” (or any other competition show)… WATCH “Big Brother”
Ok, usually this show is just a bunch of hot people hooking up and getting good tans, but the current season is making waves for all the wrong reasons, and I can’t stop watching. After contestants were caught making racial and homophobic slurs, the excitement to see what travesty surfaces next in this 24-hour surveillance house is irresistible. Part campy-reality show, part mind teaser-strategy exhibition, “Big Brother” is a fun summer pleasure that will make you really glad you don’t live in a house full of crazies (or make you realize that you do).

If you MISS “Vampire Diaries”… WATCH “Teen Wolf” or “True Blood”
If you can’t get enough of the smoking hot Salvatore brothers, the eye candy on “True Blood” mixed with a highly graphic storyline will make for an interesting, more grown up vampire thrill. “Teen Wolf” will make up for the constant drama twists and the cheesy action you miss in the “Vampire Diaries,” while the good-looking men will keep the show from getting too heavy for you. With these shows, summer got just a little bit steamier.

For a completely uncategorized, mind blowing summer show (that I couldn’t relate to ANYTHING from fall or spring) tune into NBC’s “Siberia.” In this show, a group of regular people are left in the Russian wilderness to fight for survival. The twist is that we, the audience, kind of assume half of the people are actors, but we don’t know exactly who they are (or if this idea is even true). And naturally, the regular people on the show don’t know if anyone is acting or not so when terrible things start happening and one contestant “dies” and another is brutally injured and receives no medical assistance, there is absolute panic. Sounds blissfully confusing, scary (apparently there's a haunting element to the show) and intense. It’s just what you need to remember how wonderfully simple your summer is in comparison and how ridiculously glad you are that you don’t live in Russia.