Five years ago when Tiger Woods took Rocco Mediate in a playoff round to win the U.S. Open on a bum knee, everyone thought this man surely had to be a god. Then we all know what happened from there: our iconic superstar fell from cloud nine and hit Earth with a thud that left the whole world shaking, not to mention his personal and professional life in shambles.

But now, Woods is back to old form. However, winning tournament after tournament and being ranked No.1 on the PGA apparently isn’t enough to consider Tiger holy again. This question has been looming around the golf world for the past few years, and as time continues, the skepticism only increases - when will Tiger win another major?

Heading into the final major of the season, the PGA Championship, it feels as if it’s do or die for Woods.  Although the pressure is certainly on, I think he is finally ready to let it go. I’m not insisting he will win this weekend, but as major after major passes and no hardware enters his hands, the aging golf star is realizing there is more to golf than four big tournaments a year. With this new sense of complacency, or better yet acceptance of how the game works, Woods is slowly capturing the throne. It is that drive to win, coupled with a strong emotional background, that will leave Woods standing alone on Sunday. 

Don’t get me wrong - there are plenty of other competitors out there this weekend that have an excellent shot of prolonging the hopes of Woods and many golf fans. But when all is said and done, Woods will be king once again.