You know the story: Seven strangers are picked to live in a house in a random city and agree to have their lives taped. Within the first few episodes, viewers find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.

In next season's "Real World," seven strangers are returning to San Francisco...except, they won't be total strangers.

MTV has developed a new format for its hit, long-running (21 years, to be exact) reality show. For its 29th season, the network is bringing seven strangers to the Bay Area, but somewhere down the line, the roommates will encounter a big surprise; they'll be forced to live with their exes.

Having to live in a house with your ex sounds like hell, but perhaps this is what the show's creators wanted.

According to SFIST, the show's co-creator, John Murray, said the "strangers-in-a-house format the show pioneered isn't so new anymore," and that they needed to find a fresh angle. Thus, they have brought us "Real World: Ex-Plosion."

MTV hopes this new "Real World" will improve the show's dwindling ratings. Bringing in exes will most likely lead to drama, the rekindling of old flames and, hopefully, more hot tub scenes. So, it's safe to assume more viewers will tune in to watch "Real World: Ex-Plosion," right? Well, we'll find out when the show airs next year.