Word play and puns on shirts can be great. For example, USC's famous "FUCLA" T-shirts win points for creativity. Sure, it's a little offensive (if you're a Bruin), but it's mostly just a funny, harmful, little dig.

However, if you create a shirt that offends someone's race or ethnicity, you'll find yourself facing a whole lot of scrutiny.

Students at the University of North Dakota learned this after wearing T-shirts that read "Siouxper Drunk" to Springfest this past weekend.

Underneath "Siouxper Drunk" was a logo that looked similar to the university's old Fighting Sioux logo. It resembled a Native American drinking out of a beer bong.

Now, people, including other students, are condemning the shirts and declaring that they display "blatant racism," reports KSFY.

For those who don't know, the Sioux are a Native American tribe, and many Native Americans find the "drunken Indian" stereotype demeaning and offensive. The fifth cause of death among Native Americans is liver disease and cirrhosis, and one in 10 deaths among Native Americans are reportedly alcohol related.

It is unclear whether the students who wore the shirts will face disciplinary action.

To read the full story, click here.