If you're looking to get the most bang for your buck after you graduate from college, then perhaps you should think very carefully about what you choose to major in.

Salary.com listed eight degrees with the worst return on investment (ROI) by using data from a College Board study, determining the cost of a four-year degree at private schools, determining the cost of a four-year public liberal arts degree and factoring in room and board, books, the median salary of typical jobs that require that degree, inflation and cost of living.

Here are the eight degrees (along with their typical jobs) with the worst ROI:

8. Sociology: social worker, corrections officer and chemical dependency officer.

7. Fine Arts: museum research worker, graphic designer and painter/illustrator.

6. Education:  daycare center teacher, elementary school teacher and high school teacher.

5. Religious Studies/Theology: religious educator, chaplain-healthcare and associate pastor.

4. Hospitality/Tourism: meeting/event planner, hotel resident manager and catering manager.

3. Nutrition: dietician, food services manager and food scientist.

2. Psychology: human services worker, career counselor-high education and bereavement coordinator.

1. Communications: copywriter, news reporter and marketing coordinator.

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