Although the fall semester is a couple of months away, it’s never too early to start planning for that big move into the dorms. While the idea of packing and moving out of home may seem nerve wrecking and a little scary, Target is trying to make the lives of these seniors turned freshmen a lot easier (via

On June 6, the store announced its college registry program. Instead of the teakettles, silverware, baby bottles and diaper genies that can be found on wedding and baby registries, this new program will allow college-bound students to pick out their favorite dorm items online or on their smartphones.

By going on the Internet—the lists cannot be printed or found inside of stores—family members can look through the students' wish list of twin XL sheets, desk lamps and bulletin boards and pick out late-graduation or back-to-school presents.

Target has also introduced a subscription service for these new students and those already in school. This service allows parents to schedule recurring deliveries of toiletries, detergent and other necessities to their college mailboxes. Although the subscription service takes away from the personalized aspect of the traditional care package, parents can make sure that their sons and daughters never run out of detergent and staying clean (well, if their kids are actually doing laundry, that is).

But Target isn't the only store offering this service; Bed Bath & Beyond offers a college wish list as well. And there is also Mortarboarder, a crowdfunding site that lets pre-, post- and current college students post online "registries" for the things they need to help with their college costs and staying out of debt.