Let's make one thing clear: beer pong and beer bongs are not only great at fraternity parties; they're perfect for football tailgates. However, the poor students over at Arizona State University will no longer get to partake in these wonderful activities prior to the games thanks to a couple of bans the university has announced (via BroBible).

ASU stated last week that it will be banning the use of kegs and "the use of apparatuses or engaging in activities that encourage reckless consumption of alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to the use of beer bongs and participating in drinking games" in designated tailgating parking lots.

Apparently, the university believes these restrictions will enhance public safety and improve the students and residents' experience. However, ASU is probably just trying to stop students from binge drinking.

But let's be real; this university is one of the top party schools in the country! We're pretty sure students will figure out a way to still get wasted before game time, which they rightfully should. Besides, no college football game is complete without a few students puking in the stands before halftime.