By now, moviegoers know that Matt Dillon can play goofy yet somehow sinister and that Kate Hudson can play pert and perky without being irritating. And Owen Wilson, of course, is the clown prince of slackers.

The three deliver solid comic performances, but You, Me and Dupree lacks the necessary spontaneity. Most of its antics seem calculated, and its storyline grows increasingly predictable.

This time out, Wilson enjoys the elevated status of best man rather than wedding crasher. His Dupree and Dillon’s Carl have been best buds since boyhood, and Dupree seems delighted by his friend’s marriage to Hudson’s Molly.

But taking a week off for the nuptials costs Dupree his job, and he’s now penniless. Somewhat to Molly’s dismay, Carl offers him their home until he finds a new job. And Dupree is in no hurry to find employment.

Meanwhile, Carl has his own vocational problems. He’s underling to Molly’s egomaniacal real-estate-mogul father, Thompson (played with silken smoothness by Michael Douglas. A possessive poppa, Thompson takes delight in humiliating his daughter’s groom.

Dupree’s tenure as houseguest adds to the newlyweds’ problems. There’s the inevitable rebellious toilet as well as a skateboard disaster and, most inevitable of all, moments of interrupted intimacy.

Predictably, Dupree’s carefree nature wins Molly’s heart. Just as predictably, Carl grows evermore paranoid about job and marriage. He never fully believes Dupree’s protestations of innocence, and neither does the audience.

The cast at least elevates the frenzied shenanigans. Wilson is one of the film’s producers and has the close-ups to prove it. Ultimately, his unforced affability triumphs over a by-now stereotyped slacker character.

Dillon once again proves himself one of filmdom’s most underrated actors. He makes credible the frequently woebegone Carl’s transition from loving bridegroom to suspicious spouse.

Viewers may wonder how Douglas’ loathsome billionaire could be poppa of such a well-adjusted daughter, but Hudson makes you believe in Molly’s good heartedness. She basically is called upon to react to her co-stars’ capers, and she’s an excellent reactor. Her silent glares are perfectly pitched.

Grade: C

You, Me and Dupree is currently in theaters.