Aaron Eckhart and Helena Bonham Carter's onscreen flirtation and extended chemistry do not help combust this largely empty drama that unfolds in split screen. Director Hans Canosa splits the frame into two halves while telling the somewhat formulaic story of two people who, after a long absence, find love at a wedding reception.

Eckhart seems to have enjoyed his character (that has no name in the film) and morphed nicely into it; Bonham Carter (also with no name) retains some detachment and coldness, making for a dynamic and intriguing exchange throughout.

The distinguishing feature about Conversations with Other Women is the split screen, which is supposed to be a symbolic representation of how “each side” in this particular love story has a different interpretation of the events and undertones. Canosa decides to take this creative path of using the split screen, but it eventually exhausts the viewer and delivers a constrained love story, not one that uplifts.

Canosa's heavy dependence on dialogue handcuffs this potentially moving encounter between the two characters. There is a back story that helps, but too much dialogue burdens the screenplay. The two characters persist in their innocent banter and insouciance; they open up and reminisce about their past, which we see only gradually.

Canosa used two separate cameras for each scene, filming his two actors in separate takes and frames. After intelligent editing, the story unfolds simultaneously showing each character's actions and reactions. Too much dialogue does not substitute for love here, although Canosa gets credit for this innovative and unconventional approach to a conventional subject.

After several supporting roles in recent films (including Erin Brockovich ), Eckhart seems to have professionally matured and become a visible leading man. A combination of charm and wit keep him advancing on his outspoken and opinionated leading woman. Carter is persuasive with her initially stolid resistance to his understated attraction to her, although the two implicitly acknowledge their mutual attraction.

The enjoyment of this film rests in seeing two views of a suppressed love unfolding simultaneously through the use of a split screen. But, don't expect a unique love story. This film would win with some critics but it will have a short theatrical life.

Grade: B-