When Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space was released in 1959, it was hailed (well, not really) by critics as the “worst movie ever made.” So, 47 years after it initially hit theaters, why not resurrect it again for a special midnight screening on Friday, Sept. 1 at L.A.'s famed Nuart?

Well, for one, Wood – the hard-working, untalented director who was portrayed by Johnny Depp in a 1994 film helmed by Tim Burton – has become pretty darn infamous since his premature death at the age of 53 in 1978. So now, to honor the semi-legendary filmmaker, the Nuart is screening Plan 9 , an “unintentionally hilarious” film about a group of aliens who attempt to takeover Earth by reanimating the dead and making them into zombies, to stop the human race from developing and launching a sun-driven bomb. Is the plot crazy? Yes.

There is a lot of fun to be had, though, as Plan 9 is also filled with string-powered flying saucers, cheesy dialogue and bad special effects. And the fact that the Nuart will screen it in color, for the first time ever, makes seeing Plan 9 even more priceless.

Along with the film, the Nuart will also show some of Wood's never-before-seen home movies, many of which capture him modeling his famous angora sweaters; rare Ed Wood commercials; and they have also booked an appearance with Plan 9's star Gregory Walcott, who will be available to chat with audience members about the film.

The Nuart Theatre is located at 11272 Santa Monica Blvd., in West Los Angeles. The screening begins at midnight. For more information about this or other upcoming programs, visit www.landmarktheatres.com.