Writer/director Ray Yeung delves into the lives of gay Asian men in London in Cut Sleeve Boys. The film takes its title from a story about Han Dynasty Emperor Ai and his relationship with his male concubine Dong Xian.

As the legend goes, Ai and Dong fell asleep one afternoon in the same bed, and the emperor chose to cut off his sleeve rather than disturb Dong while he was sleeping. The union between the two men became known as “the passion of the cut sleeve.”

Mel and Ash are the Chinese male equivalent to Carrie and Samantha in an episode of “Sex in the City.” They are rich, spoiled and man-hungry.

Mel (Chowee Leow) is the sexy party boy who is starting to notice the lines on his forehead. Ash (Steven Lim) is an extremely effeminate man who decides that it’s easier to meet men dressed as a woman.

Aside from a few musical cues, there seems to be very few cultural references to Asia. The gay Asian men are just like any gay Western men, and that may be the point.

Grade: C

Cut Sleeve Boys releases in select theaters Aug. 10.