SWJM. 40 years old. Still living at home with ma seeks nice girl with a good sense of humor that will see past my blubber and love me for me.

This is the premise of the sweet new romantic comedy, I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With. Jeff Garlin (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) wrote, directed and stars in this indie gem about a fat guy that just can’t get a break with the ladies. But he takes it in stride and keeps on ticking.

Things look as though they’ll pick up when he meets a cute ice cream shop worker (Sarah Silverman). But it wouldn’t be a classic love story if everything ended up with a nice red bow on it.

Despite the fact that the majority of the cast looks like your mom or dad, everyone in this movie is crazy funny. The writing is fresh, the jokes are cool, and the acting is flawless. Comediennes like Bonnie Hunt (Cheaper By the Dozen) and Amy Sedaris (Strangers with Candy) are surprisingly sexy and quirky.

The filmmakers have even included cameos from such youth-friendly names as Aaron Carter (who practically steasl the show). Set against the backdrop of the windy city, I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With is a wildly contemporary Annie Hall for a new generation that missed the bus the first time around.

Grade: A-

I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With releases in theaters Sept. 14.