Although Los Angeles strives more and more each day to become a smoke-free, environmentally sound, animal cruelty-free place, it’s still L.A., and girls want to look good. While we can’t help you quit smoking, we can provide you with some faux fur options. Some are even recycled (vintage) for the Earth’s as well as the animal’s sake.

(Clockwise from top):

A.J. and Laura wear Favorite faux fur coats over Unyx tops.

Jen wears David & Young sunglasses with vintage faux fur coat over an American Apparel tank. Boca meatless burger and fake cigarette!

Nina wears vintage faux fur coat over C&C top. Sunglasses from Melrose flea market.

Stephanie wears vintage coat over H&M dress. Vintage clothing from American Vintage (1707 W. Sunset Blvd., Echo Park).

Emmanuelle Lee can be reached at