In the land of horror films, Christmas is a relatively untapped resource. Quite frankly, few films really have the balls necessary to venture into this sweet lil’ Christian holiday and spill blood.

The marketing for P2 would have you believe that the film is nothing but a cheesy premise, that of a girl being stalked in a parking complex. Well – surprise – as P2 is possibly the best Christmas horror film in years, delivering the goods necessary to raise itself above its lackluster premise and bizarre marketing campaign.

With the help of director Alexandre Aja (Haute Tension, The Hills Have Eyes) serving as co-writer and producer, first time director Franck Khalfoun unleashes an intense and creepy tale of cat and mouse set inside the fresh setting of an underground parking structure.

Though we rarely venture outside of this area, the film somehow works, using this claustrophobic enclosure to play with your mind and keep you on your toes. Aja’s trademark ultra violence and blood splatter is present and accounted for, though more modest and, dare I say, tastefully executed.

Wes Bently channels Norman Bates in his level and surprisingly restrained performance that’s nonetheless very, very creepy, and Rachel Nichols delivers a likewise emotional and powerful performance.

P2 is one of the most pleasant and wonderful surprises of the year. Its suspense and tension elevate it above the recent barrage of torture porn.

Grade: A-

P2 releases in theaters Nov. 9.