Since there seem to be more parody sports films these days than actual sports films, it was only a matter of time before they ran out of sports to parody. National Lampoon’s Bag Boy offers up the same formulaic underdog story we’ve seen far too many times in a new venue – the world of competitive grocery bagging. This could be a riff on the overpopulation of parody films in the market, but more likely it’s just an easy way to make a movie with little budget and effort.

Oddly enough, this movie actually suffers from not going far enough. Humorous ideas are often told rather than shown in flashbacks and, for its inexplicable sex jokes, the film actually shies away from any gratuitous nudity. Ultimately, even with a couple of celebrities, if you want to use an overused plot, you can’t hold back and take the high road.

Grade: C-

National Lampoon’s Bag Boy releases in select theaters Feb. 22.