At first glance, A Man Named Pearl might not be appealing to most moviegoers. Without the thrills of a Hollywood blockbuster, it relies heavily on the focal character, a simple man named Pearl Fryar. Fryar is one of the most impressive topiary artists in South Carolina, and his dedication to the craft is an inspiration in the purest way.

For those of you who are still lost at “topiary,” this art refers to sculpting plants. Fryar’s garden of topiary art has become an asset to the small rural community of Lee County.

The per capita income is less than $16,000. Even with the struggles of a community with limited resources, this garden is a small wonder to behold.

A Man Named Pearl is a moving tale of dedication and faith. Fryar is a man who inspires and contributes to his community.

Grade: A

A Man Named Pearl releases in select theaters July 25.