In a swanky hotel suite in Beverly Hills stands Clark Duke. When I greet him I’m taken aback by how outstanding he looks.

After paying him said compliment, he replies, “It’s just your beauty reflected in my eyes.”

It is then that I realize that life sometimes does imitate art. The 23-year-old actor stars in the latest and greatest young adult comedy, Sex Drive. As Lance, Duke is a real player and resident heartthrob.

His character tags along in a stolen car belonging to his best friend, Ian’s crazy brother. The guys, as well as their token chick friend Felicia, head to the home of an Internet hottie so that Ian can “seal the deal” with the girl.

But what they didn’t bank on is the outrageous and wild adventures that they have along the way. What does the Arkansas native enjoy most about his latest film role? Perhaps it was the opportunity to play against type.

“Originally, Lance was supposed to be, like, this Abercrombie model,” he explains.

Another interesting aspect of this film is its numerous cameo performances. “Robot Chicken” creator, Seth Green, plays an Amish wiseguy by the name of Ezekiel. Green lights up the screen with his sarcastic barbs and quick wit. The band, Fall Out Boy also appears in a scene highlighting the Amish rite of passage, Rumspringa. Duke even made friends with lead singer Patrick Stump, who turned him on to the band’s music.

“He can REALLY sing!” Duke says of his new friend.

But with all the bromance going in within the film and behind the scenes, does it even begin to hold a candle to his real life friendship with Michael Cera (whom he stars alongside in Web shorts at

“Mike’s got a much softer touch,” jokes Duke. “And he gives better hugs.”

Sex Drive is currently in theaters.