Card Shows Back in Action at UCLA

At the UCLA vs. Stanford football game on Oct. 17, the UCLA Rally Team brought back an old tradition: card shows. In the 1960s and 1970s, UCLA was known for its card shows, which consist of passing out two-sided color cards with instructions to students in the stands, then prompting them to hold up the cards, forming a given design. It looks like UCLA football games just got a little bit more entertaining.

USC Launches Facebook Application

The USC Stevens Institute for Innovation just launched a Facebook application called MatchYard, which allows students, faculty and staff to connect with other interesting people, ideas and projects. The goal of the Internet-based program is to nurture grassroots innovation. It includes a contest that allows users to vote on their favorite project. The prize is $1,000 and a meeting with venture capitalist Mark Stevens.

LMU Gives Back to Schools

Supporters of the LMU Family of Schools, which seeks to improve the quality of education for local children, gathered on Oct. 15 to recognize its accomplishments. The program established teams that hired principals and assistant principals at a few of the elementary schools. Family of Schools is a university-wide partnership with the seven public schools in Westchester.