Julie & Julia is absolutely delightful! It is based on two true stories.

One, about Julie Powell, a young woman living in New York with her husband, tired of the dull everyday routine, who embarks on a blog of a journey. The challenge: Mastering the Art of French Cooking, over 500 recipes in 365 days and posting her experiences.

The second, Julia Child, the cheerful woman full of life and happiness and her personal journey discovering her passion: French cooking. Child, played by Meryl Streep, makes you fall in love with her all over again. Her portrayal of Child is flawless all the way down to her voice.

Amy Adams plays Julie Powell perfectly and is a joy to watch.

The movie will take you to enchanting 1940s France and have you craving Boeuf Bourguignon and the company of Julia Child by the end of the flick. You will laugh and leave inspired to cook and eat. If you have read the book, you will not be disappointed!