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Member Since: 1/23/2009
20 Recent Member Comments

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
I keep hearing all this people on the news talking about how bad the last air bender is does everyone who seen it feel the same because I saw it with my family and we all thought it was great plus the rest of the theater clapped after the movie was over are they just full of it or do any of you have a different opinion.
Posted: 10:34am | 7/3/2010

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
twilight ticket gone sorry
Posted: 9:04pm | 6/11/2010

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
any twilight fans, I got Twilight convention tickets for three days starting today at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Los Angeles Ca. got them for my wife and daughter but wont be able to go any one interested email me Check out websight type of ticket Cullen Crest B. best offer
Posted: 7:18pm | 6/11/2010

carpz wrote about the 2012 Film Screening:
I wish we could also get a notice that the tickets have been given out just cause I got some last time really late about 3 hours before the movie and I thought it was to late so I did something else and when I came back home I saw the tickets in my mail box
Posted: 5:14pm | 11/12/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
any parents looking for a place to take their kids trick or treating, we will be having a fair with games food raffles and Chuck E Cheese giving out candy and tokens. Location is @ Cleveland High School Football Field 8140 Vanalden Ave Reseda, CA 91335. Time 12 to 9, Chucky E Cheese will be at 3pm
Posted: 6:24pm | 10/30/2009

carpz wrote about the Zombieland Film Screening:
turning ? on Oct3
Posted: 8:03pm | 9/27/2009

carpz wrote about the Zombieland Film Screening:
Can I get some tickets for my Bday for ZOMBIELAND please would really like to go see this movie with my son
Posted: 8:02pm | 9/27/2009

carpz wrote about the G.I. Joe Film Screening:
Did film metro sight crash cause it did work for me and then all the GI Joe tickets were sold out with in seconds. Hope I get better luck here even though I havent been able to get any tickets for a long time.
Posted: 10:57pm | 8/4/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
I don't know how this works now cause I haven't been able to get any movies since this started, and I have 2 friends that keep getting tickets. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but its getting to the point that I'm actually checking this sight less and less.
Posted: 4:22pm | 7/14/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
just came back from Public Enemy great movie thanks for the tickets Campus Circle
Posted: 12:06am | 7/1/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Sean sounds like Laskierboy wants tickets
Posted: 8:51pm | 6/28/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Even with the old way of rsvp it still had the problem with people showing up early and saving spots for multiple friends and sometime overdoing it by saving for over 10 people and when you have multiple people doing this it gets out of control. I've been to some screenings were they give a different pass with a # as people came and if you came late u had to go to the back of the line to get a # to keep it in order, even if you had friends in front. But they had at least one person there early. Hope it gets better.
Posted: 6:06pm | 6/25/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Sean I had the same problem about 2 kids in line then there were 10 and little by little we were 30th in line to 60 at terminatore, and from 50 to over 200 in startrack. Is there any way that you can put someone early to keep track of the line. At least to give numbers as they line up and not to give #s if they are not in line. Well hopefully there are others that have better ideas. And to end this RIP MJ
Posted: 4:58pm | 6/25/2009

carpz wrote about the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Film Screening:
Just saw this movie it is crazy and funny. The action is none stop, and the its a robot brawl. This movie has so much fight between the transformers men it looks like wrestlemania. If you guys didn't get tickets then get tickets and see it. I know that I'm going to see in IMAX even if I saw it already. Just in case I didn't make my self clear, yes I did like it.
Posted: 11:55am | 6/23/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Ever since U guys started doing this I haven't been able to get tickets to your movies am I doing something wrong. Big fan but its getting harder to get tickets.
Posted: 8:46am | 6/17/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
got tickets for Away we go for today Jun1 Hollywood let me know who wants them
Posted: 4:30pm | 6/1/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
After party for Drag me to Hell cool should do more of them.
Posted: 2:00pm | 5/29/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Saw Drag me to Hell yesterday funny movie saw people jumping too. Is it me or did that old lady kept going for a French Kiss. NASTY
Posted: 1:56pm | 5/29/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
with this many movies feels like summer just started
Posted: 11:49pm | 5/7/2009

carpz wrote about Film Screenings:
Neil are you going to keep us inform when theres 25 people in line still waiting to head out there hope I make it
Posted: 12:44pm | 4/28/2009

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