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lindy wrote about Sweepstakes:
To Campus Circle:Can you please send me a ticket to the movie Shame?I am taking a cinema class in college and this movie is very similar to a script a fellow student wrote! Also,i share the last name as the movie director! Thankyou very much!
Posted: 4:44pm | 12/8/2011

lindy wrote about Sweepstakes:
Would love to win the Super 8 or Cowboys and Aliens on DVD to give to someone as a Christmas gift!
Posted: 4:40pm | 12/8/2011

George wrote about Film Screenings:
Thanks for all your hard work Sean and the CC Staff members! Hopefully the screening attendees can find a mature and adult way to handle their differences on their own, rather than posting them on your forum board and expecting you to police everyone. Sounds like a nice 2012 resolution???
Posted: 8:08am | 12/8/2011

MF90405 wrote about Film Screenings:
RickyO, Downtown, Barry, Jimfoley (quoting RJF!) My name is Michael, I started this thread about people cutting in line. Please spread the word as I have. The only way to help is- BE BOLD and SAY SOMETHING. I have tried. It’s hard to reason with rude people. Just be polite. “Excuse me, did you just arrive, because I’ve been waiting here and the end of the line is that way...” Maybe someone else in line will join you?? I went to a screening at Laemmle’s, people were putting jackets & bags on empty seats to “save” them. Next time I swear, I will just sit in one of the seats. ‘Downtown’ & ‘Barry’ mentioned giving a number or a card to each person in line (like boarding a plane- group A, group B) It doesn’t stop people cutting in before they give the cards, but it helps. The theater can’t control the problem. They don’t have enough staff & are not responsible.
Posted: 1:35am | 12/8/2011

Jay Day
Jay Day wrote about Film Screenings:
I need a vacation!
Posted: 8:40am | 12/5/2011

maurice dwayne smith
maurice dwayne smith wrote about Film Screenings:
Posted: 7:36pm | 12/1/2011

MidnightLady wrote about Film Screenings:
Anyone know how to cancel screenings you've signed up for and can't make it after all?
Posted: 8:33am | 12/1/2011

Donna Kumpula wrote about Sweepstakes:
Love these drama movies - action and pathos all the way
Posted: 12:40am | 11/22/2011

Eyelovmovies77 wrote about Film Screenings:
I have seen many many times the scenario described here about people(mostly the same groups) saving places and cutting in line. Not only have I seen people with their own pass, walk and meet friends and cut in line, but also the 'leader' of a group saving spaces, with a stack of passes in his pocket, distributing them to his friends as they arrive. So: If passes are supposedly 'won' for the screenings, how can the same group always seem to have a stack of passes for their buddies, when in fact, it has been almost a year that I have entered and won none? I spoke to someone who has told me the same thing. Are the passes for all their friends forged or reprinted?
Posted: 1:02pm | 11/17/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
To Mitchell...if a person wants to start a line at 2AM I have no problem with that person and 1 guest being the first to enter the venue. It is when that first person brings in a score of folks with him that things start to get out of control -- especially when the next 20 people do the same thing. A bit of exaggeration, I know, but not too far from reality for specific movies. Once the "head of the line" person bragged she was saving 34 places. However, with no screenings for a couple of weeks, maybe this has become a moot discussion.
Posted: 5:49pm | 11/16/2011

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
answer to barry 1817 you are talking about film independant where people pay 300 a year or more to belong and they run it differntly a free screening is just that free open to the public not paying members free screeningpass says boldly IN PLAIN AMERICAN ENGLISH first come first serve. early arrival is urged come at 6pm 615pm u may not get in because people are in line since 3pm or about thank you
Posted: 12:48am | 11/15/2011

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
seems to be that one could get to a screening 6-6:15 and have no problem, but that has changed as people get to screenings earlier and earlier. Best scenario is to just give numbers out, or group numbers and then let people not have to stay in line at all. It is done at Landmark. first 25 people get a card with an actor on it, and they are called first, and so on and so on. That also eliminates one person saving spaces for so many as you would then be eligible for yourself and one other if you come early. Just a thought
Posted: 1:14pm | 11/14/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you RickyO, MJF, and downtown. "Laws can embody standards; governments can enforce laws—but the final task is not a task for government. It is a task for each and every one of us. Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted—when we tolerate what we know to be wrong—when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened—when we fail to speak up and speak out—we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice."(Bobby Kennedy)
Posted: 6:20pm | 11/12/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
To downtown & MJF: A tip of my hat to you for trying to get others to be more courteous re line cutting. What you say is so true and the reason I rarely attend CC screenings anymore. CC assumes everyone will be considerate and fair. While that is the case for 95%, the small minority has managed to either run things their way or run the screenings into ruin. Are there as many screening as there were a year ago? CC please do something for those who play by the rules. It's unfair that the same few continue to play their selfish end runs. Thanks...
Posted: 4:20pm | 11/9/2011

starshadow wrote about Film Screenings:
Sandler's Jill character becomes annoying in the beginning, leaves me a glum face & threatens the actor's comic chops until Pacino steps in for the first time under a whole new light out of the dramatic films he usually specializes in. I finally enjoyed in the second half of "Jack & Jill" with the legendary star's presence.
Posted: 12:21pm | 11/9/2011

downtown wrote about Film Screenings:
this is in reference to comments by MJF-------I totally agree. These line cutters are way out of line, and just plain rude. This is not knew to them, they know exactly what they are doing and will continue to do it. They just do not care. It is all about them. Campus Circle should do something about it, like handing out numbers or something. It is only going to continue and get worse.
Posted: 10:38am | 11/8/2011 wrote:
Fascinating man and book.
Posted: 1:34pm | 11/6/2011

MF90405 wrote about Film Screenings:
PLEASE DON'T CUT IN LINE, GO TO THE END OF THE LINE LIKE THE REST OF US DID. Here I am asking people in Loa Angeles to be considerate (lol) !!! Bunch of inconsiderate, self-centered L.A. people. You arrive at the screening, see your friends in line, stop and talk to them, and basically CUT IN LINE while the rest of us started at the end, like decent human beings. You think we don't notice how you weasel your way in line? If one person is meeting friend, ok. But if you're with others, PLEASE, PLEASE stop being inconsiderate selfish jerks and GO TO THE END OF THE LINE like the rest of us. I know you think the world revolves only around you, but open your eyes and notice - there's a hundred other people waiting in line before you.
Posted: 5:21pm | 11/4/2011

royce wrote about Film Screenings:
Tower Heist was a great movie I really enjoyed Alan Aldan and cast Thank you Sean
Posted: 12:52pm | 11/4/2011

greenmnm wrote about Film Screenings:
Just came back from the premier of A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas And it was awsome.!!
Posted: 11:02pm | 11/2/2011

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